Strength and Conditioning Classes in Gardner, KS

Strength and Conditioning Gym in Gardner

Try our Fit Strong Classes

Fit Strong
Fit Strong

Train for Life

The purpose of our Fit Strong class is to help you train for life outside the gym. A new clean and jerk PR is cool, but most of us just want to be more physically capable and stronger in our everyday lives; playing with our kids, yard work, pick-up games with our buddies, climbing the ladder to put up Christmas lights, and the list goes on. That's where Fit Strong comes in. We trim the fat of what you can find in a lot of other programs out there and focus on what's important. Things like joint stability, increased range of motion, and ultimately just better control of your body without getting it banged up in training. And yes, you'll get stronger... much stronger.

Fit Strong will utilize many different training modalities including bodyweight exercises, all kinds of free weight exercises, plyometrics, and interval training. You'll never get bored with the variety in class!

No matter your fitness level, our qualified coaches will help guide you through the entirety of the workout, from warm-up to cool-down and help you scale any workouts or exercises to fit your needs.

Trusted and Loved By Hundreds of Gardner Residents

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Located just south of I35 on Gardner Rd

20365 S Gardner Rd, Gardner, KS 66030

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. Lion Chaser Barbell is located and easily accessible from all of Gardner.

Do something today that you will be proud of tomorrow.